Beasiswa-Beasiswa Dalam Dan Luar Negeri

1. Australia Award Scholarship (

3. DIKTI Scholarship

4. Turkey Government Scholarship (

5. General Cultural Scholarship India (

6. USA Government Scholarship

7. Netherland Government Scholarship (

9. Belgium Government Scholarship (

13. Prasetya Mulya Business School Indonesia (

14. Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarship (

15. Monbugakusho Scholarship Japan (

17. PPM School of Management Indonesia (

19. Sweden Government Scholarship (

20. Chinese Government Scholarship (  

21. Taiwan Government Scholarship (

22. United Kingdom Government SCholarship (

24. Ancora Foundation Scholarship (

25. Asian Public Intellectuals Fellowship Japan (

26. AUN/SEED-Net Scholarship (

28. Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Japan (

30. DIKTIS Overseas Scholarship (

31. Honjo International Scholarship Foundation Japan (

33. International HIV & Drug Use Fellowship USA (

34. Nitori International Scholarship Foundation Japan (

35. School of Government and Public Policy Indonesia (

36. Inpex Scholarship Foundation Japan (
